Collins, MT
It’s all here. Grain, fertilizer, seed, agronomy, centrally located in Central Montana.
grain elevator
Looking to buy or sell wheat, barley, or a specialty crop? Want to discuss contracts or the markets? Give these guys a call.
Fertilizer Hub Plant
Need to pick up or deliver truckloads of fertilizer? This is the team that gets it done.
agronomy services
Ready to discuss your fertilizer and chemical needs? Our sales agronomists can help make the plan and get it applicated.
Seed plant
When it’s time to get your seed cleaned and treated, give us a call.
We pack a lot into our Collins location.
Built in the heart of Montana’s Golden Triangle,
our Collins location is perfectly placed to serve Montana’s producers.
The Grain Elevator
Built in 2001, the Collins Elevator has been a Montana landmark for years now. We have shipped hundreds and hundreds of trains filled with Golden Triangle wheat to the PNW, and from there the wheat has gone all over the world.
We help Montana’s farmers feed the world, and it all starts right here in Collins.
The Hub Plant
This is one of Mountain View’s biggest buildings. Built to handle train loads of fertilizer, this facility can unload trains and trucks, quickly blend the products to the exact formula a field needs, and load it onto trucks
to take it to the field.
Collins Agronomy and Seed Plant
When you need bulk crop inputs, or help coming up with a plan for your crops, this is the spot for you. And when it’s time, get your seed cleaned and treated right in Collins.